● At Ritsumeikan University, CG classes are taken by students in their second year.
● Applications used include Maya, After Effects, and Photoshop.
Basic Level:Fundamental Operations of Applications
In the first four months, students primarily learn the basic operation skills for modeling. Knowledge regarding material, texture, lighting, and camerawork are also acquired.
As assignments, students can freely create indoor still images.
Intermediate Level:Animation
In the next two months, students learn the basics of animation including evolutionary contents of material and texture. Students receive instruction regarding not only technical aspects but artistic guidance in presenting video imagery as well. As assignments, students are required to create animation involving inorganic objects, such as vehicles.
Advanced Level:Character Animation
In the final four months, students learn the essentials of character animation and dynamics, and will acquire operation methodology and knowledge of the latest technologies, such as advanced lighting. As a culmination assignment, students create a final piece of work in which character animation and dynamics are mixed together.
CG Animation Seminar
Students who go through the above practicum and gain an interest in CG can enroll in the CG Animation Seminar in which they can partake in full-scale CG production. With guidance from an instructor, students will independently create works from the pre-production stage through post-production.
Extracurricular Activity
Many students create works independently and in the CG Animation Circle.
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